Asaf Avidan

Asaf Avidan

This album is a many-splendored thing, but good lord. What a voice.

Hearing Asaf Avidan’s voice for the first time is a jolt. Halfway through Gold Shadow, it sounded as natural as could be — versatile and expressive, too — but it seemed almost improbable at first. The combination of flexibility and gritty texture. He’s a reminder of something that’s easy to take for granted — that even though voices are like fingerprints, getting to hear something wholly distinct is rare and valuable.

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Underneath the eggshells, guess what I found? Solid ground.

As someone who lives with a non-small amount of anxiety, and who says “I’m sorry” somewhere between a dozen and a hundred times a day, I can’t tell you how powerful the payoff of this lyric was the first time I heard it. I’m planning on keeping this song close by, both for the soothing effect it has and for Lianne La Havas’ guest appearance, which is characteristically wonderful.

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Clair Morgan

Clair Morgan

Some bands you find out about right when they’re getting started. Cavern Club regulars — I’m looking (with immeasurable jealousy) at you. Other bands you fall for after they’ve stopped making music, and looking back is all you have. For all the bands that fall in between, one of the most interesting moments is when you find out, for the first time since you’ve started listening, that a new album is coming out — it’s when your fandom jumps out of the past and into the present. I’m so excited to be living in that magical, blue-sky moment with Clair Morgan.

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